Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Eat run nap rinse repeat

Run, run, run, and run some more.

Miles: 95.8 on singles (no double days!)
Wednesday Workout: 13 miler w/ 6 @ 5:50-6:00 (5:56 avg), and 1 @ 5:14, all continuous.
Saturday Workout: 6 (5:50 avg), 1 (5:35), 1 (5:17)- part of a 13 mile day.

The average number of miles I've run in the last 5 weeks has been 93, which is pretty great. Overall, I've taken to napping a little more and getting to the foam roller. I did get in one core workout consisting of leg lifts, planks (straight, and both sides), side leg raises with the foot turned, and push-ups. I want to do more, but just don't have the willpower to force myself to work on my core after running or in the evening.

The upside is that most of the runs are feeling really good. I'm out in the morning at 6:30 or 7:00 and beat the heat. The first mile or two is a drag, usually 7:30-7:50 min/mi, before it settles into a comfortable 6:40-7:00 min/mi pace. The goal is to make 6:50 feel comfortable so that dropping down to 5:50 for the marathon feels like less of a jump. 

Coming Up: Marathon training has started, and kicks off with a kick in the pants week of 105 miles and two workouts. The original plan was to do 8x1k on Wednesday and a longish race simulation on Saturday. I might keep the race simulation in there for Saturday as my club (Club Northwest) has a series run that includes a half marathon. It would be a good chance to get in 10 at marathon pace and kick the last 5k while getting some fluids support that's more challenging otherwise. But Wednesday I've shifted to a morning run away from teammates for the day, making 3:10 per K a tough ask. Instead it will be 4x2miles at 5:32-5:36 pace and 2 minutes rest. Still hard, but more appropriate for the time of day! 

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